Six Laser Hair-Removal Treatments for a Small, a Medium, or a Large Area (Up to 80% Off)

Six Laser Hair-Removal Treatments for a Small, a Medium, or a Large Area (Up to 80% Off)

Value: $600 From: $129

Despite their destructive cinematic depictions, most lasers are helpful, often found assisting slideshow presentations and playing DVDs for people who aren't entertained by just staring at the shiny part. Let a laser do some good with this Groupon.

Choose from Three Options

  • $129 for six laser hair-removal treatments for a small area (a $600 value)
  • $259 for six laser hair-removal treatments for a medium area (a $1,050 value)
  • $389 for six laser hair-removal treatments for a large area (a $1,950 value)

Effective on all skin types and tones, the Cutera CoolGlide laser system features a cooling hand piece to minimize discomfort as it removes hair from various areas on the body. Click here to view treatment areas.

Though East Side Aesthetics sometimes features a discounted price online, this Groupon still offers the best deal available.

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