C$149 for Semipermanent Eyebrow Makeup ($399 Value)

C$149 for Semipermanent Eyebrow Makeup ($399 Value)

Value: $399 From: $149

In Hollywood, close-ups are reserved for actors with either striking good looks or rectangular heads with a 1.85:1 aspect ratio. Boost your screen worthiness with this Groupon.

$149 for Semipermanent Eyebrows ($399 Value)

During an initial consultation, a makeup artist evaluates your brows and desired outcome. Then, the technician applies a numbing agent to brows and begins to create individual ink strokes that simulate strands of hair. Upon completion, the technician provides in-depth aftercare instructions. Although the ink is imbedded in the skin, it does fade over time. Typically, patients return for a touch-up within four to six years.

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